

Responsibility is one of Stora Enso's values and in governance terms it translates into a strong commitment to sound principles of corporate governance and sustainability. To strengthen accountability and to build confidence among stakeholders is important.

Corporate governance can be described as a set of policies, principles and guidelines to support the responsible management and control of the company. Stora Enso aims to comply with current governance rules and regulations, and to apply best practices in the field of governance.

The aims of corporate governance are to give shareholders control over the management and ensure that key strategies are implemented, to steer management towards efficient and transparent methods of conducting operations, and to assure integrity and facilitate financing of future investments.

This section of our website provides information about Stora Enso’s Board of Directors, shareholder rights, shareholder meetings, and internal control, and provides access to various governance related policies and codes.

Stora Enso complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Securities Market Association (the “Code”). The Code is available at Stora Enso also complies with the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (“Swedish Code”), with the exception of the deviations listed in Appendix 1 of Corporate Governance Report. The deviations are due to differences between the Swedish and Finnish legislation, governance code rules and practices, and in these cases Stora Enso follows the practice in its domicile. The Swedish Code is issued by the Swedish Corporate Governance Board and is available at

The annual Corporate Governance report is published as part of the Annual Report. 

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