Forest with sunshine

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Emergency number: 112

North Karelia Central Hospital

Tikkamäentie 16, 80210 Joensuu phone +358 (0)13 116 117 (Emergency Clinic 24/7)


Gates' contact details:

Main gate: Uimaharjun tehtaantie 2, 81280 Uimaharju phone +358 (0)40 015 5569

Main gate open
Mon-Fri 06-22
Sat-Sun 07-17

Any shipments ordered to the worksite must include a mention of the name and telephone number of the worksite and person receiving the package.

Poison Information Centre phone 09 471 977


  • Berit Kasurinen, Occupational Safety and Health Manager, Stora Enso Enocell Mill, p. +358 40 831 4539
  • Pekka Hirvonen, Safety Engineer, Stora Enso Enocell Mill, p. +358 50 409 8479
  • Joni Lauronen, Fire Chief, Stora Enso Enocell Mill, p. +358 40 355 6916
  • Joona Hämäläinen, Occupational Safety Representative (employees), Stora Enso Enocell Mill, p. +358 400 305 454
  • Sanna Hämäläinen, Occupational Safety Representative (officials), Stora Enso Enocell Mill, p. +358 40 577 5047
  • Chift Manager: p. +358 40 516 5847

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