Forest with sunshine


On this page you find all information related to safety which is important for you to know and be aware about. Please always follow our safety instructions.

8 life saving rules

1. Always wear a seat belt in a vehicle.
2. Never exceed the speed limit or use a mobile phone without hands-free when driving.
3. Never drive or work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
4. Always work under a valid work permit when required.
5. Always use safety gear when working at heights.
6. Always verify the isolation of energy sources before starting the work.
7. Never bypass or break safety critical equipment.
8. Never walk or stand close to working.

Pictogram of safety west

Safety targets and expectations

Safety goals

  • Our goal is zero accidents in everything we do
  • We encourage everyone to do safety observations. We recommend to use AA Smart system for your safety observations

We expect you to

  • deliver your company's HSE plan for the each shutdown or investment assignment
  • Stora Enso (or its subsidiary) has given you a work permit for each job
  • make a written risk assessment for a job before the work begins. We recommend digital risk assessment in AA Smart, but risk assessment on paper is also allowed. You must have it with you when the you are working at the mill.
  • join actively in safety walks
  • not to smoke or use snuff in the mill area. There are designated smoking areas outside the mill site

  • not work under influence of alcohol or drugs and you're not possessing alcohol or drugs in the mill site

Failure to follow safety rules results in removal of access to the mill site. Serious failure to follow safety rules results in removal of the person from the mill site immediately.

Safety training

To be allowed to work in the mill area, you must have completed:

  • an occupational safety card (by TTK in Finland or SSG Entre in Sweden or SSG Contractor Safety Finland)
  • Stora Enso's general safety induction (valid for 1 year)
  • Oulu Mills' local safety induction (valid for 1 year)
  • department-specific safety briefing (given at the department)

General safety induction and Oulu Mills' local safety induction:
Password: sesafety 

Personal protective equipment

Always when working at the mill:

  • helmet with 3/4 point chinstrap. Chinstrap must be closed.
  • protective goggles (sealed model if required)
  • protective gloves
  • hearing protection
  • protective footwear
  • high visibility clothing EN 20471-2 (when moving around outside or in production areas)
  • long-sleeved work clothing
  • Protective clothing according to the situation.
  • ID card with photo always visible

When handling chemicals, chemical pipelines and chemical equipment, a full protective mask must be worn and the instructions of the safety data sheet must be adhered to. This is required also when unloading or loading vehicles. 

  • Equipment containing a non-hazardous chemical such as water, pulp or a non-hazardous chemical; protective goggles and full visor

When handling hazardous chemicals and equipment containing them;

  • tight-fitting safety goggles and full-face visor OR visor+helmet-mask combination (face shield)
  •  Check protection requirements in the material's safety data sheet

Tight-fitting goggles for work involving spark and splinter hazards such as tool grinding (spot cutting, drilling and dusty areas).

Face protection (full face shield) must be worn for work involving hot (> 60°C) or pressurised air, liquid, gas or steam.

At biological water treatment plants and pulp mill filter belt presses, respiratory protection of at least FFP3 must be worn for short duration work. For work lasting more than 60 minutes, a motor mask with a P3 filter must be worn and the filter must be changed after each use.

Welding helmet to be worn when welding. In addition, always wear a respirator with a fresh air filter when welding stainless steel.

A multi-gas meter is recommended when moving around the pulp mill area. The use of a multi-gas meter outside the pulp mill is based on a risk and hazard assessment.

Lifting and tools

Passenger lifts

  • Safety harnesses (ie. lift protection) must always be worn on personnel hoists and whenever there is a risk of falling, Safety harnesses must be attached to prevent falls.
  • The supervisor of the company using the lift must issue written authorisations to its employees to use the lift.

Other cranes and lifting operations

  • Written lifting plans must be drawn up in advance for special lifting operations.
  • Vehicle cranes must have written commissioning inspections.
  • Stora Enso cranes may not be used without permission from production staff. Any person using Stora Enso cranes must have completed proven training in the use of cranes and must be familiarised by Stora Enso with the use of the crane in question. The partner must carry out a written risk assessment prior to the lifting work.
  • The condition of the lifting equipment must be closely monitored and inspected regularly. Damaged lifting equipment must not be used.


Each contractor is responsible for the ladders and working platforms they use, which must comply with the SFS-EN 131 standard.


  • Scaffolding must comply with the requirements of the Construction Work Safety Act 205/2009 (Chapter 11, Section 64 and Chapter 12, Section 67).
  • Scaffolding must always be inspected before commissioning and after every five years.
  • If the scaffolding is rebuilt, the scaffolding must be inspected again.
  • A signed scaffolding card with up-to-date information on the inspections must be available on the scaffolding that has been inspected during commissioning.
  • The commissioning inspection is carried out by the scaffold builder and the scaffold customer or their representative.

Working platforms

  • A mobile work platform may only be used on a non-compacting platform and all wheels must be locked during use.


  • Working from a ladder is prohibited. Work at height must be carried out using a suitable scaffold or personal hoist.
  • A-ladders must not be used for work requiring the use of force or for work involving the use of power tools.
  • Before using A-ladders, ensure that the feet of the ladder rest on a non-compacting and level surface.

Restricting access of the work area

For lifting operations, lifting of persons and other work requiring demarcation, there must be adequate demarcation of the work area. Contractors must be equipped with a black and yellow marking tape.Contractors must collect the marking tapes at the end of the work and ensure that they are disposed of so that they do not enter the production process. The contact details of the company working in the demarcated area must be indicated on a contact form to be attached to the demarcation.

Preparing for emergency situations

In case of an accident

  • Before starting work, familiarise yourself with the emergency showers, eyewash points, location of defibrillators, gas shelters and assembly areas in the area.
  • The supplier must have sufficient first aid equipment and first aid trained personnel on site.

    In the event of an accident:
    1. Assess the situation and prevent it from getting worse
    2. Call the emergency number 112.
    3. Do not hang up the phone until you have permission to do so.
    4. Inform the safety officer on +358 40 507 3919.
    5. Guide help to the scene.

    Stora Enso will investigate all accidents in the area.


  • Firefighters must carry minimum firefighting equipment and protective equipment.

Gas hazard

  • The contractor must have with them the personal protective equipment and multi-gas detectors required in the mill site.
  • When starting work on the site, they must be familiar with the fire and rescue instructions for the area.
  • Before starting work, familiarise yourself with the emergency showers, eyewash points, location of defibrillators, gas shelters and assembly areas in the area.
    In the event of a fire, chemical spill or other hazard
    Always ensure your own safety before taking any action.
    1. RESCUE people at risk and take the necessary countermeasures without endangering your own safety.
    2. ALERT by pressing the nearest fire alarm button and confirm by calling 112. If you have the 112 info app, use it to call.
    - In the phone, give your name, the exact address of the object (nearest door number and floor).
    - Give a brief description of the incident and tell them if an ambulance is needed.
    - Do not hang up until you have permission.
    - Notify the Mill Protection Supervisor on +358 40 507 3919.
    3. LIMIT the threat by closing doors, windows and hatches. Stop the air conditioning. Do not use the lift.
    5. GUIDE emergency services to the scene and give a status report.
    6. INFORM to the contractor's representative immediately.

Always inform work supervisor in case of accidents and safety observations

Hazardous chemicals in the mill area

  • Boiler ash
  • White liquor
  • Crude tall oil
  • crude turpentine
  • Hydrogen sulphide

Other hazardous chemicals are also used in the Chemical Plants in the Nuottasaari area.

Emergency call

Emergency number: 112

Use 112 app when making the emergency call. Tell in the call: 

  • who you are
  • what has happened
  • where it happened (Stora Enso Oulu mill, door number, etc.)
  • whether people are in danger

Answer the questions.
Do not hang up the phone until you have been authorised to do so.
Guide rescue services to scene or request someone to help with that

After the emergency call, call the Oulu Mill Area Protection +358 40 507 3919.

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