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Update log

June 20, 2024 – approved by Micaela Thorström

Chapter Before update After update
7. Gifts, Hospitalities and Expenses
Substantial changes to the entire chapter
 10. Trade sanctions    Substantial changes to the entire chapter


June 23, 2022 – approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
3. Competition law
Substantial changes to the entire chapter


November 16, 2021 – approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
5.4 Political Contributions No Stora Enso officer or employee may make a Political Contributions without the prior approval of the CEO. Political Contributions must never be used as a way of influencing a Public Official in his or her official capacity to obtain or retain business or a business advantage. No Stora Enso officer or employee may make a Political Contributions without the prior approval by the Board or Directors or the Chair of the Board of Directors. Political Contributions must never be used as a way of influencing a Public Official in his or her official capacity to obtain or retain business or a business advantage.


May 2021 – approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
10 Trade Sanctions   The following specification was included in different parts of chapter 10: “As of April 6, 2021, all direct and indirect business that connects with Tier 1 Countries shall be discontinued unless otherwise approved by the CEO or the CFO. In practice, this means that no new orders shall be accepted or processed. Orders that are already accepted can continue to be fulfilled.”


November 2020 – approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
3 Competition Law   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2 Prohibited Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2.1 Relations with Competitors   7.4.2 Specific rules in China Joint Purchasing   Substantial changes to the entire chapter


May 2020 - approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
3 Competition Law   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2 Prohibited Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2.1 Relations with Competitors   Substantial changes to the entire chapter Joint Purchasing   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.6 Investigations   Substantial changes to the entire chapter


April 2020 - approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
6 Prevent Corruption Through Third Parties   The six steps of the process of engaging any new Third Party or when renewing the contract for any existing Third Party was modified; steps 4-6 were deleted and step 3 was modified.
6.3 Processes and Responsibilities   The six steps of the process of engaging any new Third Party or when renewing the contract for any existing Third Party was modified; steps 4-6 were deleted and step 3 was modified.
7 Gifts, Hospitalities and Expenses   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
7.2 Restrictive rules when receiving GHE from suppliers   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
7.2.2. Restrictive rules when receiving GHE from suppliers   New sub chapter
7.4.2 Specific rules in China   Deleted


October 2019 - approved by Per Lyrvall

Chapter Before update After update
3 Competition Law   Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2 Prohibited Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices    Substantial changes to the entire chapter
3.2.1 Relations with Competitors   Substantial changes to the entire chapter Visits to Mills and other facilities   Substantial changes to the entire chapter