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SLU and Stora Enso start research in forestry and bio-based materials

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In fall 2020, 10 new positions in various research projects will be opened within a long-term collaboration between Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Stora Enso. The collaboration focuses on research and development, education, competence building, and innovation within the fields of forestry and bio-based materials.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Stora Enso start long-term research cooperation in forestry and bio-based materials

The main goal of the collaboration is to jointly pursue research projects to develop new knowledge within sustainable forestry and wood-based biomaterials. The strategic collaboration focuses around four integrated collaboration areas: biodiversity, growth and yield adapted forest management, remote sensing technology and life cycle analysis. Moreover, the collaboration will further strengthen the competence development of Stora Enso and SLU staff.

The foundation of the ongoing recruitments is the memorandum of understanding signed in 2018. The positions include five 2-year postdoc positions that are entirely financed by Stora Enso, and five PhD positions where the funding is shared equally, and where parts of the work will be conducted at Stora Enso. Some of these positions have already been opened, and most are expected to be opened this fall.

- We look forward to a closer collaboration with Stora Enso. Like us, Stora Enso has defined clear targets on renewability and sustainability, says Maria Knutson Wedel, Vice-Chancellor of SLU. Together we can research and create new information in bio-based materials and sustainable forestry. With extensive research collaboration between industry and universities, we are one step closer to new innovations. The collaboration will also add value to our research and education.

- Collaborations with leading academic organizations such as SLU are crucial to Stora Enso's strategy and support our continued transformation into a renewable materials company, says Johan Lindman, SVP, Global Forestry & Sustainability at Stora Enso. Our goal is to replace fossil-based materials by creating and developing new products from wood. By partnering with one of the world's leading universities in forest science, we can accelerate this development while increasing our exposure to future talents in the industry.

- With the new Forest division, Stora Enso is in a unique position to use its forest assets as a platform for innovations and development on different levels. We are privileged to have the possibility to share our experience and take the next step further with SLU, Johan Lindman adds.

Read more on the collaboration website

The new Forest division, which started operations in the beginning of 2020, includes Stora Enso’s Swedish forest assets and the 41% share of Tornator with the majority of its forest assets located in Finland. The division also includes wood supply operations in Finland, Sweden, Russia and the Baltic countries. We create value to our customers and private forest owners with competitive wood supply, sustainable forest management and innovation. As a major player in the bioeconomy, access to wood is critical for Stora Enso. Today, Stora Enso is one of the biggest private forest owners and wood supply organizations in the world.


For more information, please contact:

Johan Lindman,

SVP, Global Forestry & Sustainability, Forest division, Stora Enso,

+46 70 325 24 40

Henrik Böhlenius,

Senior lecturer, Department of Southern Swedish Forest Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,

+46 40 41 51 78,