Stora Enso and Dizzie pioneering circularity in food packaging

Packaging is essential to our capacity to deliver wholesome, premium food and beverages to people all over the world, but we are convinced that this cannot be done at the expense of the environment. The typical packaging system in use today is unsustainable since it is still essentially linear: raw materials are used to create packaging for products, which is then discarded once the products have been used. Important problems are being caused by this approach, especially when it comes to plastics.
At Stora Enso, we are inspired by the mission "Do good for people and the planet," which is why we seek to collaborate with businesses that share our values. And we couldn't be more pleased to collaborate with Dizzie in the United Kingdom, a truly inspiring circular solution for home delivery of dry food products. Customers can buy necessities without packaging waste by utilizing the same reusable pots produced in Biocomposites by Stora Enso, which helps cut 114 billion pieces of plastic from shop shelves in the UK alone each year.

So, how does it work? Products are packed in waste-free packaging that is delivered to the consumers’ doorstep with carbon-neutral delivery. When they run out of product, Dizzie will collect the pots, wash them, and fill them again & again & again…
The pots from strong and durable Biocomposites are designed to stand up to 200 cycles of reuse!

Eliminating packaging waste has never been easier thanks to the hundreds of refillable items in reusable pots that can be delivered right to your doorstep. Since 2018, the Dizzie team (formerly Good Club) has been on a circular journey. Ben Patten, an entrepreneur, and Danny Blackman, a product designer, have raised £6 million in funding to provide packaging solutions that support the shift from single use to reusables.

These magical reusable pots were designed by Blond design and produced in Biocomposites by Stora Enso, a Bio-based material. The material contains a mixture of 60% Eco-Polypropylene (made from oil residues and cooking oils waste) and 40% wood fibers. This results in pots that are made from 98% renewable materials, offering a huge reduction in carbon footprint. When the pots reach the end of their life, they can be returned to the manufacturer to be broken down into the raw material used to remake the pots, enabling a closed-loop system. Biocomposites can be easily recycled while retaining their properties, making them an excellent choice for businesses seeking higher levels of sustainability.

Nearly 1 million single-use plastic bottles and 150,000 kg of CO2 have been saved by Dizzie's consumers since the company introduced its refillable line in 2021. Additionally, Dizzie has made it simple for any retailer or brand to set up its circular packaging solution and join the reuse revolution by releasing its new reuse platform. One national store in the UK is using the platform right now, and two more are planned for the fall of 2022.

Stora Enso is proud to have such an inspiring partner, and we're honored to have been selected as the source of material to aid in the advancement of circular designs. The construction of open and transparent material flows, or the march toward circularity is one of Stora Enso's bold sustainability goals.

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