Sylva360 by Stora Enso

CLT360+ by Stora Enso

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Sylva360: A digital assistant for element installation

Sylva360 by Stora Enso is a mobile app that helps you manage construction projects more efficiently. Save installation time, reduce errors at the building site and streamline the installation process.

Quick and efficient installation

Sylva360 is an element installation assistant designed to make construction work more efficient. The app provides a link between 3D models and installation by allowing you to easily identify construction elements delivered to the site and view their location by scanning QR codes.

From BIM to building site

The digital twin of the construction site in Sylva360 provides an overview of the project and gives you a bird’s eye view of the location. Whether you need to locate individual elements or keep track of the project’s progress, Sylva360 makes essential information easy to access.

Easy to use for the whole team

Sylva360 is a web app and work on all devices with web browser, mobile phone or computer. For an even better user experience, it is recommended to install Sylva360 to the Home Screen or desktop of your device. When you install it, the app is showed as any other app in your phone or computer.   

Sylva360 by Stora Enso
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
See all your ongoing project. Join a new project, share a project or leave a project.
View the 3D model the building. It is possible to zoom in and out, rotate and pan.
View the element properties of the model and mark an element as installed when ready.
Scan the QR code on the product label to see installation location. Share the scan with colleagues for better collaboration.
Upload relevant element based information like files, photos or comments.
Search and view a single element, elements from a lorry or elements with comments.
Sylva360 by Stora Enso
CLT360+ by Sora Enso
CLT360+ is now replaced with its successor Sylva360. Sylva360 contains many new features but the basic concept remains the same.
Finnish-Russian school, Helsinki, Image credit: AFKS – Arkkitehdit Frondelius+ Keppo+ Salmenperä

Wood construction is developing through cooperation

Find out how Sylva360 played a part in the construction of a new school in Helsinki.
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