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Pellets for residential heating

Pellets for residential heating

Like a warm hug for your home

Buy wood pellets by the bag or in bulk from Europe’s leading wood expert. Biomass heating with wood pellets is the natural, sound way to heat your home that’s gentle on the environment. So for less smoke out the chimney – and money from your wallet – rely on pellets by Stora Enso for your home or district heating needs.

Buy pellets

Why buy wood pellets for heating? 

There are three great reasons to buy wood pellets if you’re considering pellet heating: economy, efficiency and environment. 

Wood pellets are a type of biomass – a biological material that can be used as fuel – and provide a reliable source of heat. We make these biomass wood pellets by compressing wood by-products such as sawdust into small-sized rods. The pellets feature a uniform shape and size as well as moisture, density and energy content. 

You can buy our wood pellets any time of year and easily store them thanks to their compact nature. Even compared with firewood, wood pellets are easier to store and burn more cleanly. 

Save on heating bills, help save the environment 

Because they are a dense form of fuel with a high energy content, our wood pellets burn efficiently. In fact, biomass wood pellets can cost you up to 25-50% less on average than fossil heating fuels. 

Fossil heating fuels like coal, oil or propane gas are often expensive and unstable in price. They also pose a threat to sustainability and the global climate. 

Our wood pellets are carbon neutral – the wood supply chain is covered by a wood traceability system, ensuring that all wood comes from sustainably managed forests. Additionally, our mills have a good coverage of product certificates such as ENplus and DINplus, the benchmarks for wood pellets. 

We use natural forestry by-products from our own production. Pellet manufacturing is directly integrated after the sawing line to reduce unnecessary transportation. 

It’s easy to buy wood pellets from Stora Enso 

We source it, we make it, and we deliver it. From forest to furnace, we deliver our premium wood pellets to your home. Visit our online webshop for a quick, easy and responsible way to heat your home without overheating the planet. 

Why pellets from Stora Enso?

  • Reduces environmental impact
  • Cost efficient
  • Easy online ordering

Key benefits of pellets

  • Reduces environmental impact – a clean-burning renewable fuel source, FSC® and PEFC™ certified for responsible forestry practices, ENplus® quality certified (FSC® trademark licence C125195)

  • Cost efficient – costs much less on average than fossil heating fuels and is more price-stable

  • Energy rich and low ash content – with its high energy content and density, it burns more efficiently than traditional firewood

  • Easy online ordering from the comfort of your own home (see delivery destinations), and superior customer service and delivery reliability

  • Convenient to use – can be bought in bulk and stored in less space than other biomass fuels

Related services

  • Webshop:

  • Free delivery (included in the price)

  • Reliable deliveries (on time, people value our punctual delivery and good customer service)

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