Circularity Assessment

Supports your decision making process with tailored analysis and insights for end of life options for different packaging.

Understanding circularity requirements for your packaging is crucial for informed decisions. Our Circularity assessment offers insights into market-specific requirements for fiber-based packaging, including access to collection and recycling streams, as well as EPR fees and plastic tax comparisons. 

Leveraging our expertise, data, and tools, we follow a science-based approach and industry standards. Our circularity experts ensure tailored assessments and thorough result discussions.

Benefits of Circularity Assessment

  • Overview of market specific end-of-life options

  • Tailored analysis with sustainability experts

  • Increased understanding of the circularity of your packaging

The Circularity Assessment service covers the following topics:

  • Access to Collection
  • Access to Sorting & Recycling 
  • Design for Recycling criteria
  • Recycling (EPR) fee comparison
  • Plastic tax comparison 

Final report

You will receive a short summary report of the circularity assessment, and a meeting to discuss the results of the study with our experts. The report includes:

  • Market-specific Design for Recycling guidance
  • Information about the collection and recycling available for your packaging
  • Deeper understanding of the complex end of life situations in relevant markets


Circularity assessment

Beyond Board services

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