Engagement and collaboration

Stora Enso actively engages with NGOs, industry and trade associations, and as a constructive partner to policymakers, towards key strategic issues.

Collaboration with non-governmental organisations

Stora Enso actively cooperates with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and industry associations. The Group is involved in developing industry practices related to climate change, circular bioeconomy, sustainable forestry, human rights and business ethics, as well as in the development of sustainability reporting and assurance. Examples of Stora Enso’s collaboration can be found in our Annual Report.

Key memberships in industry and trade associations

Stora Enso is a member of, or represented in, various trade organisations in its fields of businesses. The main organisations are listed in our Annual Report.

Public policy

With a presence in more than 50 countries, Stora Enso aims to be a constructive partner to policymakers, governments, regulators, and legislators to promote a stable policy environment and the green transition. We work through relevant national, regional, and international trade associations and membership organisations. We continuously monitor, evaluate, and anticipate political decisions, public policy direction, and amended regulations in the areas that are of particular importance to our business and operations.

Stora Enso’s Corporate Affairs team also engages more directly with stakeholders to feed into regulatory and public policy that drives the green transition through innovation and economic growth. A regulatory framework that contributes to sustainable solutions is key to our business, and environmental issues are high on our agenda. The key areas we engage on are climate change, biodiversity, and circularity.

Public disclosure and transparency

Stora Enso is part of the European Union’s Transparency Register (Register ID: 269853831446-79), which is available to the public. Our position papers and responses to consultations and roadmaps are uploaded and available by searching for Stora Enso Oyj or through this link. We also regularly update the financial disclosure for Group Corporate Affairs, which includes our global, national and EU related costs. Information regarding main trade association memberships, as well as some basic material on interests, which main EU legislative proposals or policies we focus on, as well as communication activities related to these EU policies can also be found in this register.

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