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Energy management

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Enhancing energy efficiency and self-sufficiency

Efficient use of resources is essential in combatting climate change and enabling the green transition. We continuously improve energy efficiency and strive towards energy self-sufficiency and low carbon solutions at our sites.

Stora Enso has a proactive and holistic approach to decrease the use of fossil fuels and reduce direct and indirect fossil CO2 and other emissions. This can create new business opportunities and help manage the Group’s costs and risks. With access to renewable biomass and fossil free electricity, we are well positioned to contribute to the green transition. The majority of the fuel we use is renewable biomass fuels from forest and process residuals which means that the proportion of carbon-neutral CO2 emissions of total emissions is high. 

Our production units systematically work to improve energy efficiency, supported by a third-party certified ISO 50001 energy management system. The sites generate and distribute energy to local district heating systems and industrial partners largely based on residuals from harvesting operations and production processes.

Stora Enso's central energy and water efficiency investment fund is an important tool to implement energy savings effectively. In 2023, the fund was earmarked for energy and water efficiency investment projects at our units.  

Reducing emissions to air

Stora Enso’s atmospheric emissions result primarily from the combustion of fuels for energy generation and from transportation. Emissions include CO2, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and fine particles. CO2 contributes to climate change while SO2 and NOx emissions affect air quality and can cause acid rain and soil acidification. We work to reduce air emissions from point sources using advanced technologies such as scrubbers and boiler process control systems.

Energy self-sufficiency

Board, pulp and paper production processes are the most energy intensive phases in Stora Enso’s value chain which makes it essential for the units to have access to reliable and sustainable energy supply at a reasonable cost. 

The Group’s energy supply is managed through long-term contracts, direct market access via energy exchanges, combined heat and power production at production units, and shareholding in the energy company Pohjolan Voima Oyj.

High self-sufficiency in energy reduces our exposure to external cost instability. We have over 70% self-sufficiency in energy, due to our own energy production and our ownership in the power company Pohjolan Voima in Finland. 

Goals and key actions

Most of Stora Enso’s production processes are energy intensive, and the Group’s energy efficiency target is to achieve at least 1.1% annual energy savings by 2030.

Key actions

  1. Continuous optimisation of energy efficiency with targeted measures at production sites
  2. Investments in energy efficiency supported by a dedicated investment fund
  3. Using long-term energy supply contracts to ensure reliable energy supply
  4. Certified ISO 50001 energy management systems to mitigate risk exposure and enhance performance

For more details on Stora Enso's energy management and performance, see our annual report.

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