Stora Enso to downsize plantation operations in Laos

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Stora Enso has decided to downsize its plantation operations in Laos. Followed by this decision, Stora Enso will reduce the organization that has been geared for an expansion of the plantation area to an organisation that is focused on managing the existing plantation.  

The Laos plantation project has operated in Savannaketh and Saravane provinces since 2007 with two primary purposes: to establish a sustainable and competitive raw material base for possible future industrial projects and to explore best practices in sustainable plantation operations. Throughout the years, Stora Enso has had a special emphasis on engaging local communities in the plantation development.

The decision to downsize the operations in Laos has been made after a careful evaluation of different options. Our expressed ambition has been to reach a land base of 35 000 ha to be able to run profitable and sustainable operations. Based on experience and recent developments, Stora Enso has concluded that conditions for a long-term financially viable plantation industry operation will not be available within a realistic time horizon. Stora Enso will support our employees and work closely with other stakeholders to secure a responsible downsizing. 

For further information, please contact:
Carl Norell (Media requests)
Head of Media relations
+46 72 2410349

Johan Lindman
SVP, Global Forests & Sustainability, Forest division, Stora Enso
+46 70 325 24 40 

Peter Fodge
Chief Operating Officer, Stora Enso Lao Co. Ltd
+856 (0)21 451 841

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